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Plant Shed


Practices we can all adapt to foster sustainability.


Reuse, reduce, repurpose, recycle

Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) Recycling Guidelines


Port Republic Transfer Station Guidelines


Replace plastic containers with glass


Reduce food waste

US Food & Drug Administration Tips for Reducing Food Waste


Buy or build a compost bin

Home Composting Tips from Rutgers University


Replace incandescent or fluorescent light bulbs with LED bulbs

US Department of Energy on LED Lighting


Reduce harmful night-time light pollution

Dark Sky International


Plant native perennials, shrubs, and trees

New Jersey Native Plant Society

Southeast Chapter of NPSNJ

Pat Sutton's Wildlife Garden

Doug Tallamy on Nature's Best Hope – 25-minute Video

How To Plant A Tree 

The Best Pollinator Plants For South Jersey 

The Best Native Host Plants For South Jersey 


Remove invasive perennials, shrubs, trees, and vines from your property

"Twelve Tenacious Invasives" Video

Jesse Connor’s Strategies For Preventing Invasives In Your Yard


Eat locally-sourced foods

Maxwell Shellfish

Honey & Sweets Farmstand

Walking Bird Farm

Go Green Galloway Green Market

River Road Clam House 609-965-1478

(Please let us know if you know of other local sources we can add to this list.)


Mosquito-proof your yard without pesticides

NJ Department of Fish & Wildlife One-Minute Video

Mosquito Habitat Checklist


Replace gasoline-powered tools with battery-powered tools

Consumer Reports: Five Good Reasons To Choose Battery-powered Lawn Tools


Join our Green Team!

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